S.NO Name of FDP/Training Programme Date/Period Resource Persons Total No. Benifited
Internal External Total
Outcome Sponsoring Authority
1 Two-week Faculty Development Programme 06-02-2017 to 21-02-2017 Dr. Ch. Nirmal Chand, Professor and Head of the Department, DBMS. Ms. B.L. Prasoona, Member, ALEAP, Vijayawada Mr. J. Chandra Kiran, Programme Coordinator Dr. P.V. Rama Rayulu, President, Business Opportunity Hub, Hyderabad Mr.K. Venkatesh Nayak, Branch Manager Corporation Bank, Gudlavalleru Mr. M.R. Prasad, Chartered Accountant, Gudivada. Maddula Lavanya Lakshmi, Co- Founder of Eurth Techtronics Pvt Ltd and Member, ALEAP Srihari Maddula, Founder of Eurth Techtronics Pvt Ltd.
Gudlavalleru Engineering college
2 Two-Day Faculty Development Programme on “Thresholds and Absolutes in Management Education – HR, Marketing and Finance” 07-07-2017 to 08-07-2017 Dr. Ch. Nirmal Chand, Professor and Head of the Department, DBMS. Dr. B.E.V.V.N.Murthy, Visiting Professor, Gitam University, Visakhapatnam. Dr. M. Kishore Babu Director International Relations K L University, Vaddeswaram.
Gudlavalleru Engineering college
3 Three-Day Faculty Development Programme on Research Methodology 18-12-2017 to 20-12-2017 Dr. Ch. Nirmal Chand, Professor and Head of the Department, DBMS. Dr. D. Srinivasa Rao Professor, KL University Business School, Vaddeswaram. Dr. Ch. Jayasankara Prasad Professor Department of Business Management Krishna University, Machilipatnam. Dr. Rajeswari Panigrahi. Associate Professor, GITM Institute of Management, GITAM University, Visakhapatnam
Gudlavalleru Engineering college
4 Two-Day Faculty Development Programme on Perception & Perspectives of Pedagogy- The Role of Case Study in Management Education” 17-08-2018 to 18-08-2018 Mr. K. Vinay Kumar, CEO, Datawise, Hyderabad. Dr. C. Praseeda, Professor, SRM University, Chennai.
Gudlavalleru Engineering college
5 Three Day FDP on " Trends in Management Education and Research " 24-06-2020 to 26-06-2020 Dr. C. Praseeda, Dr.G.V.Chalam , Dr.Lubza Nihar
15 200 215
Gudlavalleru Engineering College
6 Entrepreneurship Development Programme on “Insights into Entrepreneurial Plan and Execution” 15-11-2021 Mr. Shivajot Cheema Director, One Street Capital Advisors MUMBAI
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-- Gudlavalleru Engineering College
7 Issues and Challenges in Business Management 22-07-2021 to 27-07-2021 Dr.K.Vinay Kumar, CEO, Datawise, IIM (Ahmedabad), Hyderabad, Telangana.
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To develop competence in understanding general business management challenges leading to professional solutions Seshadri Rao Gudlavalleru Engineering College
8 Blue Ocean Strategy 20.03.2024 - 22.03.2024 Dr. Kishore Babu, Dr.G.Kamal, Dr.P.V.M Raju, Mr. T. Viswanath
10 16 26
9 NEP – Management Education and Boardroom: Orchestrating the Symphony of Social Development and Commercial Objectives” 29.04.24-30.04.24 Prof. P. Narayana Reddy,Prof. V. Krishna Mohan,Prof. A. Adisesha Reddy, Dr. P. Pattabhiram, Prof. V. Narasimha Rao
10 13 23